Thursday, 9 February 2012

Stewed Gooseberries

gooseberry bush

Stewed gooseberries with cream...yum! Little green hairy berries, but the thorns on the bush are really sharp. The bush I have is 4 years old, and grows at odd angles, so it's quite dense. Mine had hardly any berries this year but lots last year. I'm not sure if that has to do with climate (last year was wetter, this year hotter) or if it just fruits alternate years. I'd love to get a few other varieties to try if there are ones suited to a Melbourne climate. It is about a metre tall, and cuttings seem to take well so I''m happy to share....

This year the grape vine  (cutting from Mark, via Dan) has fruited well. I have netted it, halfheartedly because I don't like to go over to the neighbour's yard to fix up their side of the fence. 
I'd guess there are about 40 bunches on it at the moment but we have lots of wildlife to compete with here...

An orange-ish bouganvillea  is starting to take on the back fence. I love them. If it takes, it is a lot of work to keep in check but the bracts are beautiful. We need something to bring the bees and this and the lavendar seems to do the trick. It would have been a good idea to plant this when we moved in - by now it would be a riot of colour.  I have taken summer cuttings but they are looking a bit unhappy in the heat.

bouganvillea on the back fence

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