Sunday, 12 February 2012

A Stevia plant

Here is a plant that is quite hard to grow from seed. After a few attempts I was given a young plant, which is reasonably healthy but likes to be kept damp.It's STEVIA - the leaves are as sweet as can be - way sweeter than cane sugar, and there is no damage to tooth enamel. It is also very low in calories so why hasn't it caught on? 

Stevia plant in pot

Well, you can buy it in supermarkets as a powder. Maybe you could do as I did and buy some, using it in baking as an alternative to cane sugar. It tasted a bit weird but I thought it might be better when the meringue I made was actually cooked.

 It was revolting. There is an after taste that does not go away for some time, and it is just not nice. Sweet, but not delicious. Shame. I had thought of growing loads of plants to sell. Anyway, the climate here is not really suitable. I think it will be too cold in winter. Does anyone have stevia plants growing successfully in a garden in a temperate zone?


  1. that must have been a kind someone who gave you that plant!

    1. Yes and it's still alive in spite of the heat and lack of rain!
