Saturday, 4 February 2012

The perfect plant... well almost!

strawberry or Chilean guava fruit
The Chilean Guava. I got one as a seedling from Diggers about 8 years ago. The blurb said something about drought tolerance, edible fruit, and suitable for edging as it resembles box without needing to be watered as much. Well, maybe. It stayed alive (just) for 4 years in a place that was too damp.
I moved it and it started to grow and fruit. The bush is only little and looks as though it could do with a good hack with the trimmer after fruiting. The amazing thing about this little plant is the fruit really does taste like strawberries! The hull is nearly as big as the fruit though, so you can see why it's not already a commercial success, but the taste is phenomenal. Not til about March though, cos a friend called Leena from NZ  tasted it in December one year and it was sour as...I've got a feeling cuttings would grow, so will check out if Autumn is the time and you can get some if you live near and get in touch. They are a long term project, but very hardy.
The apple trees- hardly an orchard! (5 trees)
There were some good apples this year, and one variety is yet to come. I tried Cox's Orange Pippins but they are very sour. Even more sour than I remember them at Halloween in Ireland.
Apples to come...
I'm keeping the trees all small so I can squish the bugs by hand (glove for sure). They have survived the hot days this year so far.

Please comment! I'd love to hear from you.

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