Thursday, 2 February 2012

quince on 4 yr old tree
Some pictures from our summer garden to get advice/comments. Very much a novice gardener so all help appreciated.
 Our friend Dan's cuttings of tamarillos has produced 2 trees both of which fruited well last year. They won't be red and ready til late Autumn from memory. The quince tree is still young, but has fruit despite leaves which have been eaten by something...

young figs
The smell of the fig trees today was lovely:- that really sensational fresh fig smell. Only have two trees, and am trying to keep them manageable so not too high.
The fruit I like best is the pomegranate. Now that I know it likes dryness it is going better. I think I leave the fruit on the tree till the leaves shed- is that right?
Licorice is really easy to grow - almost invasive once established. The bit above ground is about a metre high and insignificant, as is the root which is dark brown. This is the bit you peel and suck, like they do in Spain and Italy. An attempt last year to make sweet licorice looked good, but tasted strongly of the aniseed in the recipe. It also went very moldy very quickly. Anyone had success from a home gardener perspective?

pomegranate likes the dry heat
licorice stem and root with stripped white bit


  1. grannielines- re your licorice mould - mould needs moisture to grow - maybe you need to dry out your licorice more before storing? Commercial licorice has preservatives in it to give it 12 months + shelf life, but you should be able to get a good couple of weeks without mould if your water activity is low, and you store in an airtight container.

    1. Always good to talk with someone who knows. Think I stirred it befor it was dry.

  2. Darrell Lea sells good licorice
