Thursday, 24 May 2012

Tamarillo chutney


Will try this to use up some of the tamarillo crop. It is a weird fruit - sort of tart but fleshy. I hate to waste food, so will try to make something edible from these...

There are chutney recipes online...hope they turn out well. Am going to give it a go tomorrow. There is an ample crop to use up!

Wish I could remember how to pin a toddler down when changing a dirty nappy. I have completely forgotten. G1 had a ball escaping today, after our swimming session, which was fun. He's moving faster than I can now...

Do you know what two things fascinated him today? A kitchen timer- 'cos it ticks and he's utterly rapt with all types of clock, and a pinwheel, that he can spin with his hand, or blow in the wind.

G2 says her new cardigan is cool. Unfortunately I don't have a photo here to prove it so you will have to take her word for it.

Here you have a pair of Cape Barren geese. They look like they would be a tasty morsel. Protected species though...

A mangrove swamp is just over the hill from home. Isn't it interesting to see how the roots grow up into the air? All those stick - like bits are the roots, in this tidal inlet.


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