Last night we took Mum out for dinner. It was a surprise for her, but she recognized me straight away, and was in great spirits. She loved looking at family photos, especially of her great-grandchildren, though we had to keep explaining who was who. She talked about family events with clarity, and knew her Australian grandchildren by name. She sat by an open fire eating roast lamb, and chatting or watching us catch up with each other.
We heard how she kept forgetting a hairdressing appointment in the village, so my brother took her across to apologise and make another date to have her hair cut. The hairdresser said he would phone Mum's home and ask them to remind her about an hour before, which he did. But when he rang and mentioned Mum's name they went and got her instead of listening to the message. Mum hung up on him because she couldn't hear, and had forgotten all about the appointment! So she missed it again!
The blog was started to document some of the Alzheimer's journey, as well as share garden doings, but I find it increasingly difficult to write about Mum. I want to share the good happenings, and keep in touch with family and friends. But some of this journey is necessarily not for publication.
On to happier themes! Sorry about the rotation problem. The pic keeps reverting when placed by blogsy. Am still on a learning curve with this app!
Here are some pics of G2. She is such a placid, good child...
This is a faux fur lined waistcoat that would be easy to make but was even easier to buy...
For Mother's day I got a tray of homemade baklava! What a treat! With roast walnuts and pistachios in it. Yum!
The weather is still wet and cold,so I have not been in the garden.
I have requests to knit leggings and a scarf for a daughter. There are so many options for these-
An interesting website if you like knitting or crochet is It seems to have a huge following.
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