Saturday, 5 May 2012

Interesting books

You won't like the same books as me, but maybe one will appeal. An online book club where you can connect with people who have similar tastes and be introduced to other books you might like, no doubt exists somewhere;- without a commercial bent...???

Here is an interesting one, though it is a few years old. I found it fascinating to read how a family moved to the Amazon to live among a tribe who had had little contact with Western culture. The author, Daniel Everett, tried to teach people useful skills so they wouldn't be fleeced by traders. He took one or two of them to N America for trips, and recounts some results of that. He originally worked with Wycliffe Bible translators, though later broke his links with them, and focussed on linguistic aspects. Interestingly, he disagreed with some of Chomsky's linguistic of theories of grammar, based on what he observed living with the tribe, and he also came to favour some of their tribal customs... A great read with good photos too.

A detail that stuck is that this tribe don't sleep in 8 hr blocks at night - so if you waken in the night don't fret. Perhaps you are normal!

Alex Miller is another author I like. However, Autumn Laing is proving a bit difficult to get into. I really liked Landscape of Farewell. Journey to the Stone Country is interesting if Aboriginal perspectives appeal.

Another author I enjoy is the prolific Alexander McCall Smith-but not his African novels.

For lunch how about fresh coriander, basil and parsley pesto?


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