Saturday, 17 March 2012

Today in the Garden

Last of the tomaoes

How sad - summer is nearly over. What a great one it was for swimming and the garden!

Our chutney is nearly all gone - that's what happens when it tastes good!

pineapple guava
The pineapple guava is fruiting for the first time - the tree is about 7 years old, but was only grown from seed so not really expected to do well.  What can you do with the fruit ? Is  it a jam making fruit? You can't see them very well from this photo but they are about egg size and hard.

tamarillo tree with fruit

The tamarillos are still green but last year we had buckets of them- only they don't taste very nice. At least I don't like them much.. But our friends Dan and Grace, who gave us the tree as a cutting,  do like them so hopefully the fruit won't be wasted.

Here is the baby watermelon grown from seed, from Digger's. How do you tell if it is ready? I've lifted it over, out of     the asparagus patch where it grew. Surprisingly, nothing seems to have eaten it ...yet. 
There are about 7 or 8 of  them but this is the biggest.

Hey ! check out this site!   It's got the manuals for Cert 3 in beekeeping. How interesting is that!!! Did you know that a hive of bees use about a litre of water a day, and a hive has about 40k bees?

 No update on Mum this week but there will be one soon.

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