Thursday, 15 March 2012

Jars and grandchildren

Well,apparently I'm not posting often enough!!! I do have a life going on on the sidelines too... But have just got a website ( from my hairdresser, as you do) that sells all kinds of glass jars for marmalade or chutney or whatever. Cos I have a vacola thingy in the garage that Dad gave me, but when I last used it it leaked and I had tomato purée in my hair. Hence I tend to cook the chutney well in a preserving pan and then bottle in sterilized jam jars. But they would look so much nicer in cute new jars...perhaps with a grannielines label??? Anyway,here is the link Thanks Darren! (brilliant hairdresser on the island.makes you feel beautiful for a couple of hours at least).

A word of advice,too. If you have a perfectly good lavender hedge, that you could remove because it's about 7 years old and might get leggy if you don't look after it, DON'T!). It will increase in bulk a hundred fold until you need to mulch for hours and annoy the neighbours, or make so many trips to the tip that you could landscape the whole garden for the petrol costs, and everybody will have aching backs and sore muscles from moving bits of hedge, and will take years for such effective screening from the neighbours to grow (so you can skinnydip or whatever you want to do privately in the pool(the mind boggles...), so all in all, just leave it to become someone else's problem after you die. Yes. Make the kids earn their inheritance.

                                     Speaking of which here is a pic of each grandchild

Leah with her knitted doll
Will playing the saucepans

More garden stuff soon...

1 comment:

  1. if you're going to get a book deal like petite did you'll need to keep the posting regular......and you'll probably need more detail about what you were doing in the pool behind the lavender bushes........
