Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Phillip Island as a place to live...

Well, given that I have lived here for the last 8 years,it obviously has some appeal for me. This is what it looks like about two hundred metres from our door. Fresh clear air and lots of spiderwebs at this time of year...

There is a boardwalk by the water and a mangrove swamp with wallabies coming to nibble nearby grasses in the morning and evening...
You only hear about the penguins at Phillip Island but I know lots of people living here who've never seen the penguins....

A spare square metre of earth was available in Dec., and a scattering of seedlings from the greenhouse grew despite the heat. I did water them this year- on the basis that our water bill is mostly fixed charges and little for the volume consumed. Besides we have all the hassle of extra traffic and roadworks because of the nearby Desalination Plant. So a well watered garden is fair enough I reckon - if it's water for food at least. The tank which is 2,000 litres is fine for drinking water (which we filter) and veggies and trees within watering can distance.

Alzheimer's in the family...
Here is Mum on her 80th birthday. She had a party with lots of her "old" friends attending. Beforehand she behaved almost as if it were a wedding, wanting place cards and whatnot... but on the day it was a lovely celebration for her. She really enjoyed the limelight. Friends were kind- some brought parents from a long way away. Mum displayed the excitement of a child, but she was quite alert and aware of who was who. I think she has lost a fair bit of memory in the last year. She now struggles to remember family names, but then at times is still surprisingly lucid. One of my brothers, who lives near her and visits most days sees better what her real state of mind is. He bears the brunt of the problems too, so we have just recently changed Mum to a doctor who does housecalls, which means no transport worries. Mum has a taxi card but for some reason refuses to use it. I remember Grandma was the same- they think family should take them where they want to go. Another sign she is changing - Mum was never the type to expect family to come to her rescue when she was well...

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