How come it flies in the day but at 3.30 in the morning it passes so slowly? There is something horrible about lying in bed with the person next to you snoring happily, while you just can't get off to sleep again. And you can't put the light on for fear of wakening them, and even the iPad will disturb them...We stayed last night in a hotel in Melbourne, after going to a play with Noni Hazelhurst in it (The Heretic- not a very gripping storyline in my humble opinion, though she is an accomplished actor). However, it is really nice to do something different, and we did enjoy a good meal in China town beforehand.
But time to spend with grandchildren is so lovely. Here is G2 starting to move.Don't you love the little look when she gets to her Mum at the corner?
There is a really an old- fashioned toy shop in Carlton. We had a look this morning and got these pinwheels. They have no sharp bits. Both grandkids love them, and so do I!
It's really hard to find ones with a short handle and safe edges.
This week is book club. The book is The Red House by Mark Haddon, which I have only started so I had better get into in to finish it by Tues. I wonder what sort of other odd bods go to a book club? This one is run through the Independent Bookshop on Phillip Island, though I got the book,which is a recently published one, from the Book Depository. This book club is run on a weeknight, after work, so it will be interesting to see who comes along. It is many years since I last went to a book club...
The book appears to have family themes which gives lots of scope for an interesting narrative. Am going to see Mum tomorrow so will report on that next time.
Haven' t been in the garden much- only to pick a few greens now and again. It is damp and un inviting at the moment. Time to spend with friends, which is always pleasant.
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