Saturday, 2 June 2012

Exercise and all that...

Isn't it great to know that for 10% of people exercise appears to be harmful! According to well-regarded American studies some people get worse on exercise programs, on measures of 5 potential heart risk factors. And the results have been duplicated in other studies. And the major one had 1600+ participants. If you ever need an excuse to stay in bed with the iPad... Wonder if I'm in that 10%?

Kew shops had some specials this week. I got a cami each for our girls. One of them hasn't been given her's yet. So this Is your surprise, A!!

Look at these cute shoes. I used to be able to buy off the shelf and be comfortable, but am increasingly finding it hard to source comfortable shoes. It's not a price issue- in fact more expensive shoes are rarely more comfortable on my feet. Let's hope these are a good buy...

You can't see the detail very well- they have a

cute frill in black leather, and a patent toe which is good with trousers or a skirt...Might need to stick with sneakers on the unmade roads here though.

G2is 9 months now, and making lots of noises. I can hardly wait to see her next weekend.

Here is G1 in his new garden. Looks like he's enjoying himself. His mum has planted lots of herbs and some winter veggies. Good fun as he is now more mobile so he can get into things!

There are baby items you wouldn't dream of. Do you know you can buy a plastic toilet seat insert that is padded?So not only will baby not fall in, but they will expect a level of comfort not yet available (at least in mainstream circles no pun intended!) in adult facilities of a similar nature.

We had shriekingly good fun at swimming this week. G1 loved me pouring water all over him at the start of the lesson. They provide little plastic watering cans, to help accustom the kids to the water splashing on their faces. He is currently besotted with clocks. So I got out the fabric paint and did a very amateur job of a clock face. It can be a gardening over shirt for his outdoor pursuits...

The New Zealand Christmas bush by the front door has survived the constant rain of the last few weeks remarkably well. Which is more than can be said for the avocado tree at the back door- the leaves on it are brown at the edges and looking decidedly unhealthy. The few avocados on it are nearly ready for eating though. Perhaps it will survive.

I spoke with Mum on the phone yesterday. She told me to enjoy spending as much time as I can with the grandkids. Think I'm taking her advice already...

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