It's Labour Day weekend. Good old stonemasons who gave us the 8 hr day... So we celebrate with a day off on Monday. And Cowes is buzzing. The coffee shops are crowded, and the Newsagent's is stocked with items to tempt doting grandmas and their heirs... So are the kids' shops, where I picked this up.
Of course, I am not immune from being sucked into purchasing...But I am sensible, I think. This is for G2. It's one of those lined raincoats that is not too hot. It is rarely bitterly cold here in winter. So it's waterproof, and cosy but not stifling. A bit like my black Lulu Lemon one really...
Another good swimming day today- not sure what made me think of rainwear, other than I saw the ones I liked, and thought they might be gone if I hesitate. Also I have checked with the mothers involved re sizes. Always wise,as kids sizes are fairly arbitrary, I find.
I also made some good purchases for adult prezzies. Like this made in India fair trade necklace which is hand crocheted, but not one of those items you would buy out of pity. Or bury in a drawer 'cos you wouldn't be seen dead in it.
It is just one string, and the colors go well together, I think. A thing of beauty...
G1 made bread with me today, using the sourdough mix that has been on the go for about a month now. He rolled and shaped the dough, and we baked it just as he did it, not "fixed up" . He ate the finished product with relish (not literally...).
Mum was well this week. She asked where her tv went. (One of my brothers took it when she was finding her room too cramped). She has suddenly remembered that it is missing, after about 6 months. She was hazy about who I was, and who Katie was, but she at least knew we were family, which is a huge improvement. She has been asking for about a month now if we can take her shopping. I have sidestepped the conversation, as she doesn't need to buy any more "stuff"' because the staff are frequently asking me to clear away some of her clutter so they can find the clothes,etc. Somehow, not sure how, she went to a fashion show, and bought a powder blue dressing gown. Her third such item. No drama, in the scheme of things. Her other spare clothes are hung in one of our wardrobes, along with sundry baby clothes that somehow got stored here against my better judgement. I don't hoard. I think it is morally wrong to hang on to things I have no intention of using, when someone else could get wear or use out of them. So buying new things is fine, if you have the money, and need them, but throw out the old ones you are replacing. Or give the items to someone who can use them.
Do you have guilt feelings if you cut off nice buttons from an item you no longer wear? It's about weighing up the likelihood of using the buttons in the near future, as opposed to the likelihood of someone in genuine need wanting the whole item (before you chopped off the buttons).
Aren't they cute? They seem to be wooden, which may mean they render the items hand washable only. Bummer.
And a final piece of trivia gleaned from The Age, I think;-
Do you know that 15% of people fed at Salvos' vans in Melbourne are backpackers...? Needy, eh?
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