Here are some shots of Leah's first birthday party. What a great time we all had.
This is the cake my talented daughter made. It was a flour less orange cake - complete with marzipan spout. The adults really enjoyed this one!
Here are the party bags for the older children to take home. Looked like cupcakes but had lots of little lollies in them...wish I were a kid...
Katie with 2. Suits you !
Ali made Leah's party skirt. I wish Mum could have seen it. She is a bit beyond taking that sort of thing in now, but would have loved to see Ali carrying on her skills...
There was a jumping castle for the bigger kids ( I had a go on that, but drew the line at holding a grandchild while I bounced. Thought that would be tempting fate).
I love having grandchildren! One of the nicest things about this party was to see lots of young children from happy homes playing together and having fun together...
And here is the party girl and her Dad on her birthday...
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