What could be nicer than to live near the sea?
Sometimes I get frustrated with living here because I can't find particular things in local shops. Like paper fasteners for clocks for students to learn to tell the time. The local supermarkets didn't have any, nor did the local news agents in 3 towns nearby. However, they were eventually sourced at the counter in the Salvos one day...
It looks so peaceful in the late afternoon here. Somehow it's more relaxing than looking at a cityscape. All within half an hour of our front door. I wonder if the boat owners get as much satisfaction from looking at them as I do?
A gentle flickering reflection is totally relaxing. There used to be an oyster bed in the bay, but for some reason it was not successful.
A man was getting ready to row back to shore when I took this. He'd been messing about with a motor on the little boat at the front of the picture. Does maintenance of a peaceful little boat become a chore?
If trees appeal, they are also on offer...
Our little boardwalk has wallabies galore in the late afternoon, except on this day...
Of all the places I have called home,this would have to be the most uninhabited and peaceful.
How come it is sometimes possible to whinge about the distance to things in the city? That is precisely why it is calm here...
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