Saturday, 14 April 2012

2 km from home

How about a challenge! Take a walk from your home or work, and photograph things within 2 km of yor starting point. Then, email or blog it and see which is the most interesting! The city ones would be very interesting!

Also, it would be really neat if you got a gmail address, went through the process (only a pain the first time you do it), and followed the blog. 'Cos I really would like you to add comments.

Well here is my 2 km walk from yesterday.

I set myself the challenge of meeting a well-dressed person, quite a challenge in my village, but in fact never met a soul. Which meant I had to go for animals and scenery. it was the last weekend of the school holidays, which can be quite busy on this track. Not this afternoon.

First I met a surprised wallaby. He was about 5 meters away, and he bounded off with the camera click.

Then I looked out to the inlet and saw these birds. I think they are swans- but not sure. There is also a flock of pelicans which has been coming every day for the last few weeks.

The water was mirror calm and the reflection superb but I didn't get a good shot of that. So just the swans. Did early settlers eat them along with the Cape Barren geese?

Then, over the grassy bank I saw the iron bed. How it got there I have no idea. There are currently no houses near this spot.

A bit farther, this time on the left, there is a view of the Plastic Christmas tree. This is an Optus mobile phone tower, that was only allowed to be built on the condition that it fit in with the surrounds. This is what they came up with.

On again, and here is the blue plastic ribbon. So I guess the tower does fit in... This is to denote the spot where fox or rabbit bait has been set. Both introduced species threaten native wildlife. The rabbits are particularly annoying in the garden too.

Finally, about 100 metres from home this little lady appeared. She was only a few metres away and didn't jump off quickly at all. So many of these pretty little wallabies get hit by cars at night. I hit one once and it didn't survive.

Finally to the Alzheimer's part. The last time I saw mum was the day before we went on holidays. We walked around Mt. Eliza,the little village where she lives. She said her favourite shop is the Salvo's store (which is quite funny if you think that Mum used to wear the latest in beautiful boots and clothes!) Her taste has completely altered. She wears red and pink together quite often, and an alarming array of colour combinations. I smile to think how she used to tell Dad off for his off-key colour choices!

But that Sunday she was alert. She knew her two great grandchildrens' names, and talked happily about recent events. She said it was a pity Dad had died so young (he was 55). She still remembers that part of her life, and can recall all the houses she has lived in.

I wish there was a dignified type of eating bib- she spills food easily on her clothes and doesn't seem to see it. I noticed many of the other oldies have stained tops too, and wonder if there is a solution.

The other thing that would be good is to run iiPad classes for some of them. If we could get half a dozen iiPads and do a few fun things on them once or twice a week it might brighten their day a bit???

A stray memory of our beaut holiday...


  1. I tried your 2k challenge - found a well dressed person at my front gate.....

  2. Finally did the 2km walk this morning.My four legged friend and I loved it. Thanks for the inspiration.
