Saturday, 25 May 2013

A whopper of a week!

Who says knitting is a dyeing craft...Check out this little number for G1. It was a bit fiddly to do the pockets, 'cos I couldn't see how they were meant to come together, but they worked out in the end. The yarn is 85% wool, 10% acrylic, and 5% viscose, so it should wash well. G1 has just gone home;- he looked really cool in it with the zip up front.

 He packed a few adventures into his few days with us;- catching crabs under rocks when the tide was out; rolling his way along the sand at Cowes front beach; feeding wallabies and talking to cockatoos at the park, as well as toasting marshmallows in the fire after dinner. We earned our evening relaxation and glass of wine with Katie!... and yes it is quiet when we are alone again!

curing olives

Rhyll beach is a boating not a swimming place. But it is an acceptable crab and play area...

He even manages a visit to Grannie Margaret every couple of weeks, where he enjoys "riding" up and down the hallway on her walking stick... A sight worth seeing, I imagine.

Last weekend we had Ali, Phil and G2. Here are a few pics of that too...
just chilling...

Famous blue raincoat...
She even let her Mum make my favourite dessert - just for me!
And we managed coffee and almond croissants on  the Saturday...
Creme Caramel
Life is so good with grandchildren in it!

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Two years old!


Olives. Picked last week. Soaking in salty water for the next four weeks. Then into a good quality oil for few months. Yum!

Birthday boy G1 turned two! Isn't he cute? And how about G2? She 's a princess.

We had the best day. Look at the fun.

A guitar cake tastes particularly good when you are two.

The present I liked best was a digger from Katherine and Mark. And that person in the background is Kerryn who has just been on the most impressive work experience venture you can imagine. Pity you can't see her face.

The sandpit, made by Pops, was a winner at the party.

Mother and son. What a team.

Today's walk was wallaby wonderland. Saw heaps. Many of them only a few metres away.