Friday, 12 April 2013


Well look what the tide washed in today!

At six this morning this bull shark was washed in, chased by another shark. That kept people out of the water for a while... We went swimming there in the early afternoon, but we didn't know about the drama. Apparently it was right where the patrolled beach area usually is.

It 's a great swimming beach, so no wonder the sharks like it. I was under the impression that there were effective shark nets though...

Perhaps I'll stick to shopping. It could be safer. Then again....


Monday, 8 April 2013

Happy holiday

Noosa is a great spot to have a holiday. Where else could you see a distended python at the end of the main street that had eaten a possum and is lazing the days away oblivious to the gawking stares of tourists? I'd like a visiting python to come to Rhyll and rid us of some pesky possums... Could be a nice snakeskin bag into the bargain.

Just had a lovely meal at the Sheraton. We have discovered these room cleaning vouchers, and they are making a mission out of Jim's holiday. You get a $20 voucher instead of a room clean, so if u choose to have your room serviced every other day you get a considerable sum to spend in the restaurant or bottle shop or wherever....

These are some unknown ( to me) flowers on the walk we had today. It was about 3 hours, in National Park near Noosa, and just delightful. There was a bit of rain about but it was about 23 degrees, so not cold, and we didn't have to worry about sunscreen.

There were many little beaches- coves really, with sandy spots and little breakers. If I dared, I'd have had a swim, but I'm just a bit scared of rips now- not quite so confident as I once was... So we stick to the patrolled beaches for swimming...mostly anyway.

There were some great little private beaches, with kids enjoying bodyboarding and a few backpackers

( mostly German), swarming around with their designer surfboards and lithe tanned skins.

Then there are the Grannie types in the red, black and white loose tops with white trousers. With wrinkled skins and dangling earrings. I am determined not to join the clan.

Just have to tell you about this book I got here. Many books I have talked about recently have been a hopeless read, but this is GOOD! It's called Marching Powder, and it's about life in a prison in Bolivia. Written by an Australian lawyer, about an English prisoner called Thomas McFadden, it's a corker of a read! Plus I went past the prison in La Paz. And thought it couldn't be a prison 'cos it had no bars.....

Missing our beaut little grandkids. But enjoying the spa bath in the suite, and the cooked breakfasts...envy is wrong...